Utilities-Gas, Water, Sewer, Garbage, Electric

Graettinger Municipal Light Plant
101 West Hoffman Street
P. O. Box 178
Graettinger , Iowa 51342-0178
Phone: (712) 859-3844
Fax: (712) 859-3806
Email: gmlpsec@rvtc.net
Lisa Harris - Secretary / Billing Clerk
Riley Curry- Lineman / Plant Operator
Allan Murray - Lineman
Board of Trustee Meetings
The Graettinger Municipal Light Plant Board of Trustees meet at 11:30 am on the second Wednesday of each month at the Energy Panels Structure located at 603 North Van Gordon Avenue, Graettinger, Iowa 51342
Board of Trustees
Lloyd Petersen - Chairman
Bill Brown, Jr., Trustee
Jill Heinrichs, Trustee
Electricity Rates
Customers: All Kwh $ 0.087 / Kwh
Monthly customer charge for all residential $27.80 per meter With Fuel Adjustment Charge.
Small Commercial:
All Kwh $ 0.095 / Kwh
Monthly customer charge $41.70 per meter With Fuel Adjustment Charge
Large Commercial:
All Kwh (Energy) $0 .034 / Kwh
All KW (Demand) $14.75 / KW per month. Monthly Customer charge $83.35 per meter with Fuel Adjustment Charge.
The demand charge for the current month or the demand charge applied to 50% of the highest billing demand in the previous 11 months, whichever is greater, but in no case less than minimum charge. BILLING DEMAND: the billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the consumer for any period of 15 consecutive minutes during the month, as indicated of recorded by a demand meter.
Public Authority and Street Lighting Rate
All Kwh $0.072 / Kwh
Monthly Customer Charge $20.00 per meter with Fuel Adjustment Charge.
The customer charge is a fixed monthly charge to have electrical service available at any time, regardless of whether any electricity is used.
Fuel Adjustment Charge all Kwh sold per month.....variable per Kwh
The Fuel Adjustment Rate is figured monthly using actual Kwh sales & cost from an average of the past 6 months. This charge may be a debt or credit to the Kwh rate.
Graettinger Municipal Utilities
Gas Utility Rates
Residential and Commercial Gas Rate
Meter charge $7.50/minimum $1.00/ccf
Large Commercial & Industrial Interruptible Gas Rate
Meter Charge $20.00/minimum $1.00/ccf
Crop Drying Rate
As determined by Gas Superintendent monthly.
Water Rates
Rates in the city limits:
First 1000 gallons used per month-$10.00 (Minimum Bill)
All over 1000 gallons used per month $3.75 per per 1000 gallons.
Rates outside the city limits:
First 1000 gallons used per month-$20.00 (Minimum Bill)
All over 1000 gallons used per month $7.50 1000 gallons
Sewer Rates
Rates in the city limits:
First 1000 gallons used per per month @ $10.50 (Minimum).
All over 1,000 gallons per month @ $3.75 per 1,000 gallons.
Rates outside the city limits
First 1000 gallons used per month @ $21.00 (Minimum).
All over 1,000 gallons per month @ $7.50 per 1,000 gallons
Customers whose premises are served by a private water system shall pay sewer charges based upon the water used as determined by the City council of the City of Graettinger as follows: 1 person- $16.00 per month, 2 person-$18.00 per month, 3 persons-$25.00 per month, 4 or more-$30.00 per month, or by metering the water system as the customer's expense
Per household $16.50 per month consisting of not more than two –32 gallon bags, not to exceed 50# per bag, per week
$3.00 single use sticker are available for purchase at City Hall
Garbage service Tuesday.
Recycling- 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Garbage service is contracted though Harris Sanitation
Local telephone service, Long Distance Telephone service, Cable Television, and Internet Services are provided by River Valley Telecommunications Coop. originally founded in the early 1900's. The cooperative is based in Graettinger, Iowa, with exchanges in Graettinger, Wallingford and Ruthven IA. .River Valley Telecommunications offers both dial-up and high-speed broadband Internet, as well as networking, web hosting and design, telephone system..